Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HABIBA:Spanish Childcare Case provokes Campaign !

Childcare activist Sheila Kitzinger
Childcare activist Sheila Kitzinger has thrown her weight behind the campaign to have the baby returned to her mother. Photograph: David Sillitoe for the Guardian
Childcare experts are backing an international campaign to reunite a woman with her child after the infant was removed by Spanish authorities concerned about her "chaotic" breastfeeding patterns.

Madrid's social services department insisted there were more serious reasons for taking the 15-month-old girl into care, but an official report criticises the mother's habit of breastfeeding on demand and letting the child sleep in bed with her.

"She uses breastfeeding as a pacifier and a toy , offering her breast any time the girl cries and letting her take it anywhere, no matter the time and context," says an edited version of the report produced by supporters of the 21-year-old mother, known as Habiba.

These criticisms have angered Spanish paediatricians and also prompted childcare activist Sheila Kitzinger and mothers' groups in Britain, the US and elsewhere to throw their weight behind the campaign to have the baby, known as Alma, returned to her mother.

"This baby must be returned to her mother as a matter of urgency and should be able to suckle whenever she wants to," Kitzinger told one of the campaign groups petitioning for Alma's return.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Caso Madeleine McCann

Pais de Maddie processam Goucha, Sargento e Hernâni Carvalho

16/06/2011 15:12

Partilhe este artigo


Duarte Levy


Arguidos: Manuel Luís Goucha, Paulo Sargento e Hernâni Carvalho
Manuel Luís Goucha, Paulo Sargento e Hernâni Carvalho começaram ontem, quarta-feirfoi apresentada pela advogada do casal em Portugal, visa igualmente a administração da TVI. Foi no âmbito de um programa apresentado na TVI que o alegado crime terá ocorrido.
Questionado, o perito forense e psicólogo Paulo Sargento – ontem constituído arguido – confirmou a informação e sublinhou “que ontem não prestou quaisquer declarações mas que pondera responder durante o processo porque conhece elementos que podem conduzir à reabertura do inquérito ao desaparecimento de Madeleine McCann”.

Detalhe curioso, o processo não está ao abrigo do segredo de justiça.
Fonte próxima dos pais de Maddie confirmou a queixa e acrescentou “que outros processos podem ainda ocorrer”.a, a ser constituídos arguidos no âmbito de um processo em difamação movido por Kate e Gerry McCann.
A queixa-crime, que

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

McCanns support a blog which defames Gonçalo Amaral

Sandra Palo...Contra este sinverguenza

Difundamos esta foto. Hoy "SÍ" te pido que hagamos una cadena. Gracias!!! Por Sandra Palo....

Rafael García Fernández "Rafita" tenia 700 denuncias (si, 700) de los vecinos de Alcorcón (Madrid) por tener aterrorizado a todo su barrio y por incontables delitos (quemar y robar coches, disparar a la gente con una escopeta de perdigones en la que resultaron heridas 2 personas, robos de carteras, amenazar con matar y violar, etc)

Sandra Palo (22 años, deficiente psíquica), fue secuestrada
hace 4 años a punta de navaja por Rafael García Fernández "Rafita" y
otros 3 chicos, la violaron repetidas veces entre los 4 individuos, la hicieron
todo tipo de torturas, la atropellaron 15 veces con un coche, la apuñalaron
muchas veces, la rociaron con gasolina y la prendieron fuego cuando estaba
todavía viva.
Todo eso mientras la indefensa chica les suplicaba que no la mataran.
Sandra Palo murió con unos dolores absolutamente insoportables.
Después de los horribles hechos Rafael García Fernández fue
amenazando a la gente que le caía mal de "darles matarile y quemarlos
vivos como había hecho con Sandra Palo".
Al ser menor de edad en el momento del horrible y salvaje
asesinato, el juez solo le impuso la ridícula pena de 4 años de internamiento
en un centro de menores, del que salio hace meses.
Dicen que en el centro de menores tenia aterrorizadas a las
educadoras pues las decía que iba a violarlas y quemarlas vivas.
Ahora es mayor de edad y esta disfrutando de su libertad.
Según un compañero suyo en el centro de menores, el asesino a
dicho que "si le gusta una chica, se acostara con ella, tanto si la chica
quiere como si no quiere"
Dado que no sabemos en que parte del Estado esta el violador y
asesino, todas las personas estamos en peligro (especialmente las niñas y
Hasta ahora no se había tenido imágenes de él, pues era menor
y nuestras maravillosas leyes protegen al delincuente y no a la victima
Ahora, con 18 años y después de pasar, 4 años en un centro de
menores, jugando a la Play y haciendo talleres de carpintería, está en la calle, haciendo su vida, a pesar de los informes de los psicólogos quienes han señalado que no se ha reinsertado, ni arrepentido y que las posibilidades de reincidencia son numerosísimas.
La Fiscalía y el Defensor del Menor pretenden que nunca más se vuelva a
emitir esta imagen por ningún medio de comunicación. Fue emitida por Telecinco y en menos de 12 horas ya estaba quitada de su página Web.

Por eso, es importante que hagamos una cadena en Internet para que todo el mundo sepa como es la cara de esta "angelito" y estar prevenido.  

Por ella, por ti, por mi, por todos/as,..... enseñemos como es
La madre de la víctima defiende su derecho a que la imagen se
pueda ver... si la ley no lo hace lo haremos nosotros!!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Paedophilia : Alleged among the group of McCann doctors !

'One night, when we were on holiday, the adults, in other words, the couples that I mentioned were on a patio outside the house where we were staying. We had been eating and drinking.
I was sitting between Dave and Gerry whom I believe were both talking about Madeleine. I don?t remember the conversation in its entirety, but it seemed they were discussing a possible scenario. I remember Dave telling Gerry something like ?she?, referring to Madeleine, ?would do this?.

When he mentioned ?this?, Dave was sucking on one of his fingers, pushing it in and out of his mouth, whilst with the other hand he circled his nipple, with a circulating movement over his clothes. This was done in a provocative manner there being an explicit insinuation in relation to what he was saying and doing.

I remember that I was shocked at this, and looked at Gerry, and also at Dave, to see their reactions. I looked around (page 4) to see ?did anyone else hear this, or was it just me?. There was a nervous silence noted in the conversations of all the others and immediately afterwards everyone began talking again.'

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

McCann: Queremos o Livro e o DVD de " A verdade da mentira" à venda!

 - when they start drinking at an outdoor cafe .. the notion of losing

El caso de Goncalo Sousa Amaral

The caso-goncalo-sousa-amaral Daily is out!

El caso de Madeleine McCann

The caso-madeleine-mccann Daily is out!