Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spanish scientists test Alzheimer vaccine...

Araclon Biotech, a Spanish company based in Aragon, which has been developing a vaccine against Alzheimer’s disease for several years, has begun clinical trials using humans this week. Twenty four patients will take part in the trials of the vaccine which are taking place in Austria.

Over the next four years Araclon Biotech will be testing patients to make sure that the vaccine has no toxic effects on humans following successful tests carried out on animals.

Manuel Sarasa, a neurologist and the director of the research project, explained that ‘once the first phase, which will last one year, has been completed the efficiency of the vaccine will then be tested’.

Araclon Biotech is hoping to discover whether the vaccine gives immunization against the protein Beta Amiloide which causes Alzheimer’s disease. If the results are positive the vaccine against this degenerative disease could be available to patients within seven years.
